Monday, 4 January 2016

DBN Battle of Slobozia 1806 - Russians vs Ottomans

Happy New Year & all that blah blah blah...

I've been building another Napoleonic Army, this time a 15mm Russian one. (I've finished the 6mm one, hopefully we'll run a game in that scale soon...).  Lancashire Games  had an offer on their figures, so extra bits n bobs were a must!   Inspiration from the superb 'Histoire & Collections' books, Austerlitz, Eylau & Borodino for painting of the Russians.  The Army is coming along nicely, I'll put some pics on in due time.

We've been playing some big games lately (apologies I'm still editing the pics from the 2nd part of our Bailen game).  Although great fun, they are very time consuming.  For the new year of 2016, we are going to play more smaller games, standard DBx battles (12 points or elements, whatever..).  This one is hopefully the first of many.  Also we used the spiffing 'Cigar Box Battle Mat'.  It's 6ft x 4ft, so we folded it & placed our larger 30 inch DBA board underneath.  A few hills were placed under the mats for effect.

1806, Boney has kicked the Russians & Austrians into touch.  The Ottoman Empire (inspired by the French) now flexes its muscles.  The Tsar sends General Mikhail Kutosov into Wallachia with a large force.  Near to the town of Slobozia, the Russian Army meets the Vanguard of the Ottoman horde....

'Woorrr' Jack (back from Uni for Xmas break) took the Russian Army, yours truly the Ottoman Horde.  The Russians took a position behind a small river (treated as Bad Going).  Infantry lined up next to 2 Batteries of Foot Artillery.  Cavalry took the flank leading to an open plain.  The Ottomans took a lot of Cavalry, Heavy 'Suvarileri', Light 'Mamelukes' & militia class 'Sipahis'.  Placed on the open plain flank.  Also a whopping 8  elements of 'Levee en Masse' in the form of 'Fellahin' were placed on the other, these would be supported by militia class 'Janissaries'.

Fellahin' are peasant infantry, no ranged fire.  They don't count on the casualty
 victory points.  However in DBN rules there is a 50% chance that when they enter combat they will 'bottle it & run off'....  Again we used the DBN Attrition rules, markers for casualties.

The Battlefield
12 Point Russian Army, General, 3 x Light Cavalry, 1 x Heavy Cavalry, 2 x Foot Artillery, 6 x Muskets. 

13 Point Ottoman Horde,  General, 4 x Musket(m), 8 x Levee en Masse, 1 x Heavy Cavalry, 4 x Light Cavalry, 4 x Light Cavalry (m) 

A grand sight, Ottoman Cavalry.  This time, the Lights would go in first then the Heavies would force the breakthrough... 

The Russian plan was to blast the Ottomans with the Grand Battery & hold the flanks.

'Levee en Masse', Fellahin Lads rush forward...  ROOOAAARR!!!!

BOOM! go the Russian guns...

The Cavalry forces engage....

Uhlan, Cuirassier, Dragoon, Mameluke, Sipahi....

Slight advantage to the Ottomans in the 1st combat.  A stand off for the Mamelukes, Uhlans & Cuirassiers.
Whilst the militia Sipahis push back the Dragoons

Next round.  Oh dear, the Russian Cuirassiers are having a bad day.

Good CAPs for the Ottomans & the Fellahin Lads are nearly into combat...  RROOOOAARR!!!

Overview of the Battlefield.

Minor Russian adjustments.
Nice close up of the Battle mat, you can see the printed river.

Fight Back!  The Russian Cuirassiers take out some Mamelukes...

Different view, same combat.

BOO! The Russians are starting to show their quality.

ATTACK!  The Fellahin Column piles in...

A small impact & the next round the Russians counter attack...

On the other flank, the casualties begin to mount...

More Sipahis fall, but the Mamelukes force back the Russians...

RROOARR! At last the Heavies catch up & slam into the Russians...

Otherwise, half the Ottoman Army is slow to get into the fight...

Another round, The Fellahin pass their morale roll & stay to fight.

OOHHH! The Ottoman Heavies strike.

Breakthrough! The Heavies go for another attack... 

A mixed bag on the other flank...

Jack is looking disturbed as his Grand Battery is pants.
Adjustments needed.

Russian Musketry blows away the Fellahin.

Battlefield overview, it could go either way now.

In a desperate attempt for victory I use the only CAPs for this round & charge the guns with the Fellahin Lads!!! 

NOOO! The combat dice are draws, 2 rounds go by.  With movement elsewhere...

The CAP dice shine once more & the Ottoman Cavalry pile in...


The final battlefield.

Sorry Mikhail Kutuzov, the Tsar is not going to be happy.....


Phil said...

Great explanations, beautiful and colorful armies...That's a very nice report, well done!

Stephen Smith said...

Great stuff really enjoyed the battle

MrF said...

Cheers fellas, it was a fun game to play. For once the tactics worked!