Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Team Yankee Airpower

The forces of WWWIII are growing, here we have various Soviet & US flyers in 6mm.  Some aren't 'official' Team Yankee, but why not add on a few things 'unofficial'...  I've seen someone on TMP,  create a few unit cards just out of scope of the Team Yankee rulebook.

I've got hold of a copy of 'Fate of a Nation' covering the Arab-Israeli Wars, so guess what will be happening in the near future.  Just to add to my woes, BATTLEFRONT have now released 'OIL WAR' which adds the Middle East nations to the 1985 conflict. Yes, I ordered a copy this morning... Rahoo!!

Ground attack, Soviet SU-25 Frogfoot.

OOhh.. 'unofficial' F-16 Fighter Bombers.

Risky.. 'unofficial' F-15 Eagle. 

There are unit cards for a Tornado, I'll just 'up' those.

Phheeww.. 'unofficial' Apache attack choppers.

I remember playing 'Gunship' on the Commodore 64 back in 86', great game...

'Oh my', who doesn't love Soviet Hind's...? 

The Yank's are gonna get spanked...

I also manged to clear the junk from the 'war bunker', we will have a permanent wargames table very soon....


Chris Kemp said...

Nice Batrep, MrF.

I have to say though, that Scruffytown looks very smart with all those trees and no litter!

Kind regards, Chris.

MrF said...

Cheers Chris, it was a good game.

You wouldn't want to go for a walk in 'downtown' BummsDorf 'scruffytown' after dark, very!

All the best