Wednesday, 22 June 2011

InvUSA1863 Battle of Tylers Farm 1

Mid 1863, the Army of Northern Virginia has invaded the North.  Lee sends out a diversionary force in the hope of pinning some of the Union forces.  The lead Confederate force has come face to face with Union forces, supporting British & French Divisions rush to its aid.

The Union forces consist of three Divisions, each to enter on a different road.  One Union Division would start on the table the other two requiring an activation roll.  The main Confederate force would start on the table, British & French Divisions would again arrive only after an activation roll.

In essence each side would have three active commands (Divisional) of 12-20 elements, three PiP rolls. Going against the DBACW rulebook, all Brigade Commanders would have a ZERO modifier.  Only the Commanders would get a PiP modifier.  Confederate +2, Union 0, French +1, British -1.  The horrors took the Union forces, yours truly the Euro Confederates.
A Union Division blocks the path 
General McGruder leads forward the Rebs

Good PiPs for the Confederates

The Confederates would deploy first.

More Confederate Brigades arrive.

The Rebel guns are ready.

Union PiPs are poor.

More Union troops arrive

Other Confederate brigades are deployed

GGrr... The 2nd Union Division arrives.. not good.


I hold this Rebel Brigade in reserve.

The Rebel guns cause some casualties.

The Union force starts to take shape

Booo..  First blood to the Union.

Here we go...  Now that they have more numbers, the Horrors launch the Union side forward.

Bring it on!

I send forward a Confederate Brigade in a flank attack.


Yes... The British & the French arrive.. Game on!

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