Monday 8 February 2021

TY Battle 6 Part 2 - Three Bridges


Here come the HIND's!!!!

Soviet Reinforcements, more T-72's

The forward T-72 Platoon engages the Leopard 2's.

The Soviet Recon Platoon skulk ahead...

The Soviet Airborne Platoon ready themselves for the German counter attack.

The Leopard 2's are taking a sound thrashing...

The Jaguars don't even last a round.

German Reinforcements enter the village.

Hopefully they will get Milan shots into the Soviet flank.

More German troops arrive in the west, a massive firefight erupts.
Loads of dice needing 6's!

It's desperate, even the German Artillery goes to direct fire against the Airborne Troops...

The German Infantry close the gap.

German Anti-Air have a good position.

Plus a cracking position on one of the hills.

KaBOOOM!! Strike two Hind's...

The Soviet Airborne lads take an onslaught of fire, but they are hanging in there. 

Two T-72's are also taken out...

The German Helo's help out.

One more T-72 brews up.

The bulk of the West German's are now on the table.
However there are more Soviet Tanks yet to arrive. 

However the Soviet Airborne lads hold onto the western most bridge.

OOh OOh OOOOh...
The Soviet Mech Platoon is about to sweep southwards to help them out.


AWESOME!  Soviet Forces advance...

I start belting out the State Anthem!!!  
Hit it Vladimir....  (wikipedia Link)

Soyuz nerushimyy respublik svobodnykh!

Splotila naveki velikaya Rus'.

Da zdravstvuyet sozdannyy voley narodov..

As the Hind's close in for their attack run,
SPAV spoils the festivities...

Up brews a Leopard 1.

The Soviet Infantry make short work of the Marders.

The Airborne troops take out some German infantry.

The remaining Leopard 2 'bottles it' & retreats...

The German Helo's go KaBOOM! 

SPAV finally gets his Tornado's
They scream in low........


SUPERB die rolls, an entire T-72 Platoon is destroyed.... 

Everything pours fire into the Soviet Airborne lads!!!

Better results!

The remaining Soviets are put to the bayonet...

Two BMP's are hit by missiles...

The West German's take back a bridge...

Death & destruction all across the battlefield.....

The West Germans have a chance now...
SPAV is beaming.

Not surprisingly the remaining T-72 from the Tornado Airstrike 'pegs it'... 

Right then, lets get rid of theses pesky German's.


The Recon Platoon lays down fire on the bridge.

Here they come..... Ready LADS....

Slav'sya, Otechestvo nashe svobodnoye,

The lads in front, the BMP's adding firepower...

The T-72's take out the remaining Leopard 1's.

Attrition is taking it's toll...

The western bridge is in sight!

Druzhby narodov nadyozhnyy oplot!

Soviet onslaught...

One remaining West German force.... 


Pound & Pound again...

Znamya Sovetskoye, znamya narodnoye


Pust ot pobedy k pobede vedyot!!!!!!!!!!

Pust ot pobedy k pobede vedyot!!!!!!!!!!

Oh my word, TOTAL West German Annihilation on that one.  What a difference it made to our earlier British games.  NATO forces will have a hard time when the Soviet forces have the initiative.   SPAV laments his poor reinforcement & Airpower rolls.  If only those Tornado's had arrived earlier.....


Norm said...

Thank you, enjoyed the read an a browse through your blog. There is a tone of work in each post - now following.

MrF said...

Cheers Norm!

We always try to have fun playing the games & the rules are also simple.

All the Best

Dave said...

Great to see the conclusion! Brutal!
These reports show you don’t need massive, magazine style, games or complicated rules to play fun games.
Nice job Sir!

Dave said...

Great to read the conclusion. Just shows you don’t need big, magazine style, games or complicated rules to have a fun game.
Nice one Sir!

MrF said...

Thanks Dave!

Unfortunately that's the last 6mm battle we played before LOCKDOWN2... Duh duh duuuurrrhhh!

We have a few others, but in a different scale & rules though.

All the Best