A 2000 point game of Epic Space Marine (2nd edition) now. The Traitor Emperor's Children Space Marines versus the Loyalist Space Wolves. To add extra spice to the game, the force would be led by a Titan, in this case a Warhound Scout Titan. Each game we will play will be headed by a Titan, not counting as the 'Special card' for the force. Warmaster Spav led the Emperor's children into battle, yours truly the heroic 'Sons of Fenris'...
Unfortunately MrF's War bunker has been lost to the 'Forces of Chaos', alright it is now a storage facility for my eldest offspring & their return from Uni. Basically, Spav & I no longer have a permanent LARGE gaming table anymore. This means is back to the dining room table, which has to be packed away before the next feeding session. Limits the size of the game you can have.
For those of you that may have never played epic before I'll try & give a brief intro. Both sides choose a force from a 'pool' of force cards to a certain points level. Place the armies, place 'order' chits for each detachment. Charge, Advance, first Fire or Fall back. Roll for first player. Move, Fire , Combat, Morale. You get victory points for destroying enemy forces or capturing objectives. Moving fast & getting to those objectives is a big part of Epic. For this game & probably other games we have, we set a 2000 point total. Also limiting the objectives to 3, forcing a more attrition style game.
Engagement at Henley's Spur. The Horus Heresy is in full flight. The Imperial Space Wolves are mobilizing a major force in order to assist Terra in the fight against the Warmaster. A small force has been set aside to secure the Mining facility at Henley's Spur. However on route, word reaches the Space Wolves that a Traitor force has also sent a force...
A small battlefield with 3 objectives.
The Mining facility, the Administratum & the Food Manufactorium. |
The Space Wolves |
The army cards with points values. |
Boo Hiss.. the Bad guys
The Emperor's Children.
Dandy strutting peacocks, on a quest for perfection. |
Slightly less points |
The Mining facility. |
The Food Manufactorium. |
While the enemies of the Emperor still draw breath, there can be no peace.
First round, The Traitors move first.
Rhino APC's drop off the Space Marines. |
In the centre, another Tactical detachment does the same. |
WHOOOSH, Traitor Land speeders secure the Mining facility. |
The Space Wolves head for the rough terrain flanking the big Maccy Dee's. |
Straight up the centre, off goes the Imperial Warhound Titan. |
Space Wolves Heavy Troops advance supported by Dreadnought Walkers. |
First blood to the Traitors!
A Las Cannon from the Land Raider Tank takes out a Predator Tank. |
Awesome... The Warhound opens up with it's Inferno Cannon.... |
The Traitor Warhound races into the battle. |
The Space Wolves Devastator Detachment makes short work of the lightly armed Land Speeders. |
A Rhino APC is taken out.
End of Turn One.... Yes, the action is quick & brutal... |
To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the Emperor.
The Space Wolves advance & secure the Mining Facility |
The Traitor Land Raiders advance. |
I don't like the match ups on this side of the table |
Overview at this point |
A barrage is dropped onto the Traitor Marines from Space Wolves Whirlwind Missile launchers.
Loads of templates in this game. |
The Space Wolves commander calls in a 'Blind' Missile from his off table support.
It blocks Line of sight. |
The Traitor Warhound takes out 2 Dreadnoughts.
End of Turn 2. |
Burn the heretic. Kill the mutant. Purge the unclean.
Traitor Whirlwinds launch a barrage... |
Space Wolves Assault Marines attack the Traitor troops... |
The Space Wolves right flank is secure.
The Devastator Marines take up guard positions. |
Objective secured, the mighty Dreadnoughts return to their slumbers. |
The Imperial Warhound opens up with it's Gatling gun. |
With a sadistic laugh, the Emperor's Children Captain calls in support of his own.
A Vortex missile is dropped on the Warhound, taking out some of his own troops as well. |
Another barrage, but poor die rolls don't help... |
It's a tough scrap for the centre objective.
The Imperial Warhounds legs have been crippled by the Vortex. |
There's no shifting the Traitor forces at the the Food plant. |
End of Turn 3.
The Vortex moves off in a Random direction. |
Only the Emperor is all.
There's not enough firepower on this flank.
I'm failing the Emperor with my negative waves... |
The Traitor Dreadnoughts launch an attack on the Space Wolves... |
The Traitor Warhound advances, but misses it's shots.
The Imperials manage to bring down the void shields on the Titan. |
The remaining Land Raiders advance through the smoke & chaff. |
Nice view from the Space Wolves right flank |
Flame On! |
Luckily for the Traitors, it's only the Rhino APC's that are taken out. |
However the Traitor Tactical Company is now broken, VP's to the Imperials. |
With the Traitor Titan void shields down, the Imperials call in a Haywire Missile.
It doesn't deviate from it's path & hits the Warhound. |
A 5 on the critical roll.... nightmare! |
Play the Status Quo...
Down, Down, Deeper & Down...!!! |
The Emperor's Children dig in...
End of turn 4 |
Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life.
The final round, another pitiful Barrage attempt.. |
I lament at the waste of the forces on this side of the table. |
The Imperial Predators take out the Traitor Land Raiders... |
Dum dee Dum dee Dum...
Time to clean weapons... |
With the Space Wolves slightly ahead on points, we call it a day. |
Final positions in the centre. |
Spav did well for his first game of Epic Space Marine. That was a small battlefield with few objectives, but you can see how quick & brutal a game can be. Bigger Titans for the next game!
I always liked epic 40k. So much going for it. I think that is why I now game mostly in 1/300 (6mm) in historicals. Sold all the epic armies some years ago with some regret now!
Greetings Peter
I'd forgotten how good the game played. Plus painting 6mm minis is more forgiving than 15mm.
I'm re-sorting/painting the Legions once more. More games planned.
I like your bog, keep up the good work!
All the best
Oh No!
BOG??? (I need to READ what I type....)
BLOG, I like your blog...
(I assure you, I haven't visited your house OR stalking you...lol)
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