Wednesday, 18 March 2020

DBN Swedes

The Mighty Swedes!!!

Another Project that has took years to take shape.

Mainly Minifigs.  The Light Infantry are a mixed bag of manufacturers.

Love those funky hats.

Some conversions to add a 'rustic' look.

Does anyone have any confirmed source, to what colour, Swedish Artillery pieces were painted?

The General....

Love the Cuirassiers,  I need to build some Light Cavalry now.



Chris said...


Regarding Swedish Artillery, my research has found a variety of colors (unfortunately): the oldest source indicates light grey, with a very slight bluish tinge, and the metal workings (except wheel rims) black . Other sources say the carriages were yellow, blue-green, medium blue, or dark red! With nothing else to go on, I would go with the oldest source: light grey, with black metal workings--but what do I know? If some jerk gives you any flak about the color, advise him his gunners are so depressed by his criticism that they have deserted, along with their equipment--then put the figures back in the box. Works for me!

Best regards,

Chris Johnson

MrF said...

Nice on Chris, I shall find a few spare guns & paint them Grey, though I do fancy yellow carriages as!

All the Best

Just Jeff said...

Lovely! Thanks for another fine post.

Regards, Jeff