They're at it again, Revolting, the Scots, this time with the Irish. The time, 1650, the place, Killiekisse on the Scottish border. Lord Protector & fun guy Oliver Cromwell has got wind of a Scottish revolt. Hurriedly he leads his army northwards to meet the Scots/Irish rebels.
Big Base DBA-Hx action, Spav took the Rebels, yours truly the loyal English troops. More points for the Rebels though., Spav went for a mighty host of foot troops. He kept some for a flank attack, pity he didn't take more Horse troops. For Cromwell's mob, I selected a whopping six elements of Pistols. The most being staggered on the English left. We went for a hidden set-up, so when the 'reveal' took place, I was very confident of turning the flank. However 'what troops' & 'where' would the Rebel flank attack come from?
The battlefield of Killikisse |
Angry Scotsmen... RuAaaarghh! |
The mighty English Horse |
The Rebels plan of attack |
The Scots Irish Horde |
Scots Horse |
Clash of Horse approaching.. |
The Irish Rebels |
The Scots Horse thunder past the farm |
The English Guns open up |
Nearly there.... |
.......KerRUUMMPPHHHH Crash! |
On the other flank...... |
Even Stevens.... One recoil each |
The Rebel flank attack... The Great Unwashed! |
Highlanders CHARRGGGEEEE!!!! |
Meanwhile in the actual battle.. First blood to the English. |
The main Rebel Force is about to clash with the English. |
Who would come out top on the other flank? |
The Scottish Dragoons actually do some damage. |
Finally the Scots Horse are destroyed on their right flank. |
With the Horse destroyed, the Foot troops have to re-adjust. |
Oh what a lovely sight... |
Who would come out top in the push of pike? |
Positions at the halfway point. Not looking good for the Scots Irish |
The Scottish left |
It's a tough scrap. |
Slowly the English get the upper hand... |
Breakthrough! |
The Irish Recoil |
Oh... Back go the English Shot |
The Scottish Horse recoil the English. The Dragoons peg it.... |
Let's have Bacon tonight!!!!! |
COME ON!!!!! |
The Scots right, victory is close! |
The Irish are hit hard in the flank.. |
In the centre, the English foot give ground, Cromwell takes up a flanking position... |
However the Irish Foot stand their ground... |
Both Rebel flanks are buckling |
Lord Protector of the Realm |
Like asthmatic ants carrying heavy shopping, the Highland charge comes on.... |
Nearly there lads!!! |
All pile in for Victory! |
The English Guns go BOOM! |
Finally the Irish are destroyed... VICTORY. |
Cromwell, a very handsome fellow... |
The Rebels got a spanking, Spav hangs his head in shame. His flank attack was pants, WHY didn't he pick Border Horse (Light Horse elements) instead. The poor Highlanders had far too much ground to make up, they never got into the battle.