French Troops cross the Danube & attack Elchingen. |
Another spiffing Age of Eagles scenario, this time Elchingen 1805:
1805 Ney commanding a moderate force must cross the Danube & set up a bridgehead. A larger Austrian force marches to stop him. Spav took the Austrians & yours truly ze French. We went with the standard one base equals one element, so this game managed to fit on a 3 foot by 2 foot table. Our DBN conversion is as follows:
French Army
Marshall Ney (+2 Caps)
Starts turn 1 crossing the bridge
Light Infantry x4, Line infantry x 2, Foot Arty x1,
Light Cavalry x4, Horse Arty x1.
Sub-General Mahler(0 Cap)
Arrives turn 8 onwards, a roll of 4 to 6.
Line infantry x8, Foot Arty x1,
Austrian Army
General Riesch(-1 Cap)
Set-up turn 1 North of the Danube
Line Infantry x 5, Line Infantry(E) x2, Foot Arty x1, Heavy Cavalry x2
Sub-General Laudon(-1 Cap)
Turn 6 onwards 1-2 left, 4-5 middle, 5-6 right.
Line Infantry x 5, Line Infantry(E) x2
FORWARD! Ney leads the French across the River Danube |
A small Austrian force opposes the French |
Quickly the French mount an attack. The Light Infantry advance. |
Austrian Caps were woeful for the first part of the game. |
The first French assault on Ober-Elchingin goes in. |
Spendid!! French Cavalry cross the Danube. |
The Austrians form a line between Ober & Unter-Elchingen |
The first French attack on Ober-Elchingen is repulsed |
I divide the French Cavalry, it would later prove to be a mistake. |
The Austrian Cuirassiers mount a demonstration of force |
Austrian Infantry provide support for the troops in Ober-Elchingen |
Austrian Grenadiers == Hard |
WOOOAA!! Spav makes his reinforcement roll, the Austrians arrive on the French left flank. |
It's not looking good the French. The French Hussars take a spanking... |
With the arrival of the Austrians on the left, it's now a matter of the French forming a defensive position around the bridge. |
I'm not liking the match ups, I try to calculate how long before the Austrians will over run the bridgehead. |
The Austrians attack the bridgehead |
A view from behind the Austrian lines, the French are pinned against the Danube. |
CHARGE!!! Ney leads forward the French Dragoons in a bid to break out.
It's risky, but Ney gives a whopping +2 on the combat dice. |
The French Foot Artillery help on the left flank. |
General Mahler arrives on the right! |
Ney doing what he does best, inspiring the troops to feats of glory! |
Overall view at this point |
GGgggrrr... Those pesky Austrian Grenadiers! |
It's good, but the French Dragoons aren't overwhelming the Austrians. |
The French fall back & reform the line. |
Charge!!!!! |
Mahler's first assault on Unter-Elchingen is a failure.... |
At last the Austrian Caps begin to improve. Spav plans a Cuirassier charge... |
The French Dragoons destroy the Austrian Infantry but take heavy losses. |
Ney falls back & forms a defensive pocket. Hopefully Mahler will arrive to save the day..... |
French Column vs Austrian Line |
I'm confident that the French Artillery will keep the Austrian's at bay.... |
CCHHHARRGE!! The Austrian Cuirassiers attack... |
A mighty sight, unstoppable.... |
The French guns ring out, but the die rolls are poor... |
Oh no!! the French Cavalry are forced back & are destroyed... |
Another attack, but it's not the breakthrough the French need. |
Oh my word... The Austrian Heavies are going to smash everything in sight.... |
Ney tries to help out, but is injured in the process... |
BREAKTHROUGH!!! The Austrian Heavies advance straight into another combat & it's DOOM for ze French! |
To make matters worse Mahler is repulsed again..... |
Ney's staff rush the injured Marshal from the battlefield, the game is over. |
Bugger.... The Emperor is not impressed! |
Well that's how NOT to perform a river crossing.... Spav has his revenge. His reinforcement roll was spot on, the Austrians turned up in the right spot & put the French on the defensive. For once my Cavalry couldn't force a Breakthrough. Those pesky Austrian Grenadiers were a rock & don't mention those Cuirassiers.....