Monday, 27 August 2018

DBN29 -The Frogs & the Lobsters

A return to DBN now, the place Quiberon in France, the year is 1795.  A British/French Royalist attempt to invade Revolutionary France, which did not go very well.  Anyway after watching the Hornblower TV Series for the 'umpteenth' time, the episode 'The Frogs & the Lobsters' set the spark and....

The battlefield

Whilst the main Royalist force have engaged the French Army.  Colonel Marquis de Moncoutant has taken a body of men to liberate his local village & lands of Muzillac. In support are a body of British regulars (the 95th Regiment of Foot..) & a Naval Force, led by our hero Hornblower.   As in the episode, a sizable French army is waiting in the wings to attack.

British/Royalist Force
1 x General, 4 x British Musket (95th), 4 x Musket (French Royalist), 2 x Muskets (British Marines), 2 x Warband (British Navy Lads), 1 x Artillery (Naval Guns) = 13 Points

French Revolutionary Force
1 x General, 12 x French Musket, 3 x Light (French Light), 1 x Artillery = 16 Points

Scenario Rules
The Allied troops can deploy anywhere to the North of the river, they deploy first.  The French Royalist Regiment under the Marquis de Moncoutant occupy Muzillac. Two of the elements occupy the village (2 Non Linear fortification terrain pieces).  The Marquis & some of his men are in the process of 'removing dissension by the guillotine''.  A successive roll will be needed to release them to the battle.  A six first round, decreasing by one every round after that.  The other two French Loyalist elements will deploy at the Ford.  A bridge in the South is guarded by the British Naval elements.  The 95th Regiment of Foot have marched from the North & will deploy on the crossroads.  The French Revolutionary Force can deploy anywhere along the Southern or Eastern edge of the board.  They deploy after the Allied troops are deployed.

The game will last 12 turns, if Muzillac falls then the British force must exit from the South Bridge to the Beach.  The Allies win if the Bridge & Muzillac are held.  a French Minor win takes place if Muzillac falls & the British escape.  A major Win if the French hold Muzillac & the southern bridge.  Yours truly took the Allies & Spaz ze French.  Vive la Roi!!!!! 

The Navy lads hold the southern approach

The Marquis de Moncoutant sets about his important work..

Vive la Roi!!!!!
Where is my Guillotine???

The 95th Regiment of Foot

Where to deploy the French?

Spav went for a major attack on Muzillac with two Regiments.

Great CaPs & the French attack quickly.

Good combat dice & the French Royalists are already in trouble...

Another round of shooting & an Allied casualty.

The CaP die is throwing high numbers, the French pile across the river.

Whilst the British slowly deploy into line....

The French Light infantry are sent to hold the southern bridge.

The other French Regiment is sent to cross the river in the middle of the  battlefield.
The British Marines are sent to stop them.


Vive la France!!!!!!

There is no stopping the French steamroller...

The attack now focuses on Muzillac...


The French Light troops move quickly & are in position....

A second Loyalist element is destoyed.

Different angle...

Pot shots across the river, I'm confident the Marines will hold...

It's not looking good for the Royalists in Muzillac.

Pot shots across the bridge, the Naval guns find their range...


The Marqui faces ze chop...

The remaining French Royalist troops peg it from the village.

Overview from the eastern edge

The French 'Blitzkreig' has took me by surprise...

Spav urges his men on!

The rush to close the jaws of the sneaky Revolutionary trap!!!

Escape is now the focus, the Navy Lads charge across the bridge....

Slowly the 95th regiment of Foot form column of march.....
They haven't fired a shot.

French shooting is 'Bob On!'

Another round, Hornblower will lead the way, the French are closing in fast.....


Spav is eager, a MAJOR victory (and bragging rights) is very close...

The British Navy cannon hold back ze French....



The dreaded 6 to 1 combat dice.... Against ze French...!!!

Hornblower's Lads clear the way, the Allies escape.
Victory to the French though... (Minor, I point out, as a die hits my head...)

Thursday, 2 August 2018

Basic Impetus 2 - BIMP3 Greeks vs Macedonians

As promised a 'Chaeronea' style re-fight.  The Macedonians face off against the Athenians, Pike vs Hoplite.  On paper Hoplite elements have a slight VBU advantage over Pike elements.  The table was set up to represent a valley, flat area flanked either side by higher ground only accessible by skirmishes, light infantry & light cavalry.

Spav took the Athenians & laid out straight battle line across the table.  My first mistake, as instead of creating Large Pike Units, I tried to match the Athenians, hindsight is wonderful..  Anyway the Macedonians had the edge in Cavalry I placed the Heavies & Medium Cavalry on my left flank.  The Macedonian Light Cavalry & some Skirmishers on the right.

The view across the field from the Macedonian side.

The Athenian right flank....

...& the left.

The powerful Macedonian left.

Macedonian right flank.

Plus the Macedonian 'Light' option on the far right.

We're off! The Athenians charge full steam ahead, however Spav staggers his right flank,
mindful of the Macedonian Cavalry.

I'm happy on the match up this side of the table.
Beat those Light troops & swing around...

Nice overview.

Again, another game were I over estimate the power of javelin armed light troops.
The Macedonian Peltasts were very poor.

Heavy armed Infantry smash into each other...


The opening clashes are mixed bags... This Athenian element is reduced to one VBU. 

Slight advantage to Athens...

The Athenian Hoplite Steamroller...

The Macedonian Allied Hoplites performed well..

BACK! Macedonian Peltasts retreat...

The Skirmishers then evade...
Peg it Lads!!!!

First Blood to Athens!

The Macedonian Allied Hoplites force the Athenians back. 

Three units onto two units...

Spav retreats the battered Athenian Hoplites,
denying me the victory points... 

It's a 'wavy' battle line....

This clash took ages...zzzzzz

MMmm.. I curse my initial line up as the Macedonian Medium Cavalry hit first...



The Athenian Cavalry force back the Macedonians....

Decisions... Decisions...Movement... Movement...
I know what I want to happen!! 

The other flank is chaotic as well.

Spav goes for glory & in go his Cavalry!

About face...!!!
An Athenian Hoplite unit is sent to bolster the right flank.

The future is bleak for the Macedonian Lights, pinned between Hoplites & the end of the table....

BOOOM!!! The Macedonian Cavalry wins through..

However the Athenian Heavies keep pace.

Overview of the centre...

Movement... Movement... Movement...
Swing the Macedonians around & batter the Athenian centre....

Huzzah!!! Finally...

It's a standoff in the centre.  No sixes there...

Just finish them off...!!!


Initiative won.. Onto the other unit...

The Athenian Reinforcements clash into the Macedonian Allied Hoplites....

It's a legal combat.

The full strength Athenian Hoplite unit finally destroys the Macedonian Phalanx.
The game is still too close to call.

Oh dear... It's not looking good here.  Four hits to Woo!!

Cohesion Test... A one & a pass.  In your face Spav, BoB On!

Finally, the Macedonian heavies get into a position to attack!

Overview...  Typical of a Basic Impetus game....

A splendid sight,  the Macedonians swing round into the Athenian centre...

In go the Heavies..!

Poor combat results, the Athenians are sent into retreat.
We weren't sure of this one, so we retreated the Hoplites in the face of the enemy.
Allowing the Macedonians to pursue...

If I could get this attack right, the game would be over...

The Heavies go in again....

Meanwhile the Heavy Infantry clash again...

The poor Athenian Hoplites are now surrounded.


The final battlefield...  That was brutal..
Strangely, not an enjoyable game.  However it did answer a lot of questions with Basic Impetus.  My initial set-up was poor, I played straight into Spav's hands.  Phalanx units NEED to be placed into Large Units, it's as simple as that.   I misplaced my Cavalry, especially the Heavies.  You need a straight line between you & our enemy units.  Manouvre was  a big problem in this game, it took a long time to re-position the units.  We both agreed that we are 'used' to DBx mechanics, which are easier on movement.   

Posts are going to be a bit sparse, it's summer & we are both off on different paths at the moment.  Painting armies is also a 'no go' at the moment.  This horrible hot UK weather is killing me,  I'm an odd bod,  I enjoy cold rainy weather...