Wednesday 14 August 2019

DBN 31 'Jerome in Russia' Podskoi Valley P2

The Russian flanking force forms line.

Prince Brewski leads a Russian column against the captured farm.

The main Westphalian attack is about to crash home.

Thud! Bang! Wallop! 
The Westphalian Cuirassiers charge in.

The Mighty Westphalian Column hits home.

The Westphalian Light Cavalry also prepare to attack.

Oh dear.  The Russian Line buckles...

Advance after combat victory...

The Westphalian Infantry crash into the Elite Russian Grenadiers.
While the Westphalian Heavy Lads bash up some poor Russian Line.

The Grenadiers are forced back.
The Cuirassiers bash a hole in the Russian line.


"There's a hole in the line.. Dear IVAN, Dear IVAN..."

The Heroic Russian Grenadiers charge back in...

Part of the Russian Line re-deploys in a bid to hold the Westphalian Heavies..

Unfortunately, on the other flank the Russian attack is pants.
The Polish Cavalry is forced back by musketry.

The Westphalian Column is finally halted.

The Polish Cavalry falls back, they have done their job.

All the Westphalian troops are battling away. 

Finally the Polish column hits home...

The poor Russian Opelchenie are destroyed. 

The end is in sight, it's becoming a slaughter...

Boo Hoo!

Final positions.
The Russian Line is broken.

The Poles held back the Russian flanking force.

"Everybody put your hands in the air!"
Well, Jerome turns out to be a hero & change!  The Westphalians saved their best for last.  The Russian flank attack was far too little & failed to make an impression.

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