The battle for Plancenoit 1815, the French defend against the Prussians. Another DBN game, this time using the free download from the good fellows at KISR. A very different game from normal. The French only have a few troops to defend the village of Plancenoit from a humongous amount of blood thirsty Prussians. The good news for the French is the 'arrival' of elements of Imperial Guard later in the game. Of course ONLY if you make your reinforcement roll... lol
We used 'larger' sized elements for Muskets (double sized), giving a nice visual effect. The attrition system was also used, our 'flame' hit markers. This is a great scenario, SPAV & I played this one 3 times, every game had a different result. The one listed here is our 2nd playthrough. SPAV took ze Prussians & yours truly ze French. We played the scenario slightly different, we just used Plancenoit as a Built Up Area & did not include the church as as a strongpoint. Anyway have a read of the scenario....
1 x General(Lobau), 3 x Muskets, 1 x Artillery, 1 x Cavalry
(reinforcement 2 x Muskets/Light(E) (Young Guard, Turn 4), 1 x Muskets(E) (Old Guard, Turn 8)
A 5 or 6 needed on the reinforcement die roll.
1 x General(Bulow), 2 x Light, 2 x Muskets, 6 x Muskets(M), 2 x Artillery, 1 x Cavalry
One French element holds Plancenoit, the French artillery to the north.
The Prussians would attack in 3 huge columns. |
French Cavalry ready to deploy either side of Plancenoit. |
2 Prussian columns would attack Plancenoit |
Prussian Light & Cavalry |
Prussian Columns |
FORWARDS!!!!!! |
One Prussian Column had the Silesians & have a +1 combat factor |
The Prussian guns take a beating from the French guns. |
Lobau looks on.... |
Prussian Lancers, lovely! |
BOOM! First blood to ze French.... |
The Prussian Assault begins.... |
The French Cavalry counters the Prussian Lancers. |
Plancenoit is proving to be a tough nut to crack..... |
OUCH!! The first Prussian attack is repulsed.... |
The French Artillery rake the flanking Prussian column, re-adjustments are needed. |
The main Prussian columns would also need re-adjustment, wasting CaPs & rounds... |
A small force means more CaPs all round, I launch a counter attack. |
Magnifique!!!! The Young Guard arrive...... |
Overview |
Attack! Attack Attack Attack! |
Lobau himself is thrown into the combat, +1 to the French. |
Both units are repulsed, Lobau is out of action for two rounds..... |
Rumadum, Rumadum, dum dum dum....... |
The regular French musket is sent onto the other flank... |
AAAArrrgghh! Prussian frustration, the attack on Plancenoit is stalled again..... |
Oh splendid, the Young Guard attack.... |
At last another Prussian attack on Plancenoit.... |
The cavalry clash. |
The Young Guard are unstoppable.... |
The French Cavalry are victorious, a new dimension of attack opens up now... |
The flanking Prussian Column is being torn to shreds.... |
Plancenoit Falls!!!!! The French unit is destroyed..... |
There's still plenty of time left before the end turn.... |
The French Cavalry are free for 'Deep Strike' missions..... |
The French Artillery have been fantastic in this game. |
The Young Guard's musketry is also terrific.... |
The Prussian force is being wiped out.... |
Overview. Where is the Prussian Army??? |
The Young Guard form column. |
Spav is left shaking his head.... |
D'oh! |
The Young Guard attack Plancenoit..... |
The Tricolour flies once more over Plancenoit.....
The Old Guard were not needed, this time... |
Superb scenario, one of the best we have played by far. Well done to the chaps from KISR. No matter what rule set you use, I would urge you to try this senario. It's a short one, but fun, so could be played a few times in an evening. Like I said earlier we played it three times, each with a different result. Don't worry, Spav got 'bragging rights' in out 3rd game.....