We've finally managed a game after many months in exile. I was watching Channel 4's 'The First World War' the other day & I was fascinated by the Turkish Invasion of the Caucasus & the events leading from it. Basically they got whooped & sadly it led to the Armenian Genocide, not a nice piece of history.. but you can read more here
Anyway the game, we are still restricted on game board size since we've moved rooms around. A standard board size with the Russians taking 25 points & the Turks 27 points. I took the Russians & opted for Infantry heavy, two Mg's, 1 Artillery & 2 Cavalry. Pasha Amy took the Turks & went for 1 Artillery, 4 Cavalry & the rest Infantry. The Turks would be the attacker, the main action would be for the Russians to hold a village.
Pasha Amy would waste no time in the attack |
The Russian defence |
The Turkish Hordes |
The Turkish general staff with German advisor. |
Russian general staff |
WWwwaaaarrggghh! Turks Attack... |
Amys Turks swarm the village |
On the other flank, the Turks wait for the Russians in the orchard. |
Cavalry scrap!!! |
A tough fight for the village |
A Russian Mg bites the dust & here an Infantry element too. |
Hopefully I can get back in the game.. |
The Turkish Cavalry get the upper hand.. |
Numbers count, victory for Amy. |
The village is ours! |
Russian troops
Well whooped again, things don't change then. Numbers count, I went for the extra Mg's but they never got into play. Amy wasted no time & went for the kill.