Finally, we got the time to finish off this army. It's been about two years in the making, collecting little bits here & there. Plus it's from one of those periods were there's very little information. The main book we used was
Ospreys French Religious Wars 1562-1598 by Robert J. Knecht. A nice read, but you do despair about the many deaths in the name of religion....
The figures are from a variety of sources, we didn't just go out & buy a complete army. Hence the long time frame, the biggest problem was getting them to look 'right' for the period. Another problem were the flags, not much info either. was a good source plus a nice post on Huguenot flags by Gary Pomeroyq on the Fanticus forum we're happy with what we have, so here we go then, French Huguenot, 1562-1640.
24. French Huguenot, 1562-1640 Enemies =20 Spanish 1560-1609. 25 French Catholic 1562-1598. 32a French 1600-1640.
1x3Kn, 1x4Pi, 2x4Pi or 3Kn, 1x2LH, 2x4Sh, 2x4Sh/2Ps, 2x4Sh or 4Pk, 1Art.______________________________________
Landsknect Mercenaries!!!!

Psiloi, in the form of Peasant rabble & Skirmishers

Huguenot Shot ready to blast away the Catholics...
Light Horse

Huguenot General Admiral Gaspard de Coligny
(He lost his life in the St.Bartholomew's Day Massacre....) 
Huguenot Knights

Mercenary Pistols serving the Huguenot cause.

Heroic Huguenot Pistols known as 'Millers' because of the white clothing worn in battle.