Couldn't resist this one! Straight from 'Elizabeth, the Golden Age' our interpretation of the Queen of England. I had to buy a pile of unpainted lead from EBay just to get a suitable figure, I think it's a D&D figure. Anyway it has come up rather well & it will be the General figure for our Elizabethan Army in the defence of England. The other fellow is Spanish General ready to take his command.
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
Good Queen Bess!
Couldn't resist this one! Straight from 'Elizabeth, the Golden Age' our interpretation of the Queen of England. I had to buy a pile of unpainted lead from EBay just to get a suitable figure, I think it's a D&D figure. Anyway it has come up rather well & it will be the General figure for our Elizabethan Army in the defence of England. The other fellow is Spanish General ready to take his command.
How's it going MrF?? July08.
It's the School Holidays & I've got some time off, so.... Out with the paints! I've been 'rummaging' through the unfinished boxes, just to see what needs that final touch. There's a fair few projects that I'd forgotten about & of course some NEW ones!
The Bits 'n' Bobs

Polybian Roman Spears now have Shield Transfers!

First the old ones, still to complete. TYW French, just need to buy some suitable Mounted Musketeers. Both the Cardinals Guard & Kings Musketeers. French Wars of Religion, got more than enough troops now, just need to get them based MrF style & add some suitable flags. Italian Wars, again more than enough troops, just need to sort them out & add suitable flags. They'll be then straight into battle. Well they're the 'biggies'.
SO a new one! THE SUDAN.... Victorian British & Hordes of Dervishes. Hidden away in a box on the shelves, some previous purchases & old paint jobs. Where did this sudden inspiration come from? Watching the 1939 version of 'The Three Feathers', the best version by far! So I've been trawling the Web for research, there are now some new Sites on the Links section.
The British troops are all red coated, so to be able to cover all the Sudan Campaign I'm going to re-paint half of them in Khaki. We have some unpainted Mikes Models British Cavalry, so they will be painted & join the ranks! Plus I'll need some artillery crews & some of the odd bods, British Camel troops, probably order them online.
Plus this week, we've tidied up our Carthaginians. Touched up the paint jobs, fixed those pesky spears that have fallen off, added new elements. Pics to follow!
The Bits 'n' Bobs
Polybian Roman Spears now have Shield Transfers!
First the old ones, still to complete. TYW French, just need to buy some suitable Mounted Musketeers. Both the Cardinals Guard & Kings Musketeers. French Wars of Religion, got more than enough troops now, just need to get them based MrF style & add some suitable flags. Italian Wars, again more than enough troops, just need to sort them out & add suitable flags. They'll be then straight into battle. Well they're the 'biggies'.
SO a new one! THE SUDAN.... Victorian British & Hordes of Dervishes. Hidden away in a box on the shelves, some previous purchases & old paint jobs. Where did this sudden inspiration come from? Watching the 1939 version of 'The Three Feathers', the best version by far! So I've been trawling the Web for research, there are now some new Sites on the Links section.
The British troops are all red coated, so to be able to cover all the Sudan Campaign I'm going to re-paint half of them in Khaki. We have some unpainted Mikes Models British Cavalry, so they will be painted & join the ranks! Plus I'll need some artillery crews & some of the odd bods, British Camel troops, probably order them online.
Superb SUDAN Paint Guide by Michael Perry on the WI Website (see links)
Plus this week, we've tidied up our Carthaginians. Touched up the paint jobs, fixed those pesky spears that have fallen off, added new elements. Pics to follow!
Tuesday, 22 July 2008
DBA 15-19K Dutch vs Spanish
Thirty Years War action now, with a Shot heavy Dutch Army versus the fearsome Spanish. Double sized DBA with a few extras. To add some spice to the proceedings we added a Town, a Redoubt, A Galleon camp & some reinforcements.
The Spanish would be the attackers, with the sole objective of taking the Dutch Town. If any Spanish troops took the town, then Victory would be claimed. Also being Double DBA, it was the first to destroy eight enemy elements. The Dutch would be the defenders, however the Pistol Armed Cavalry would be held off table until a 'successful' reinforcement roll was made. The Dutch would have a 'mean' looking redoubt to defend the town.
Jack took the Dutch & went for Dragoons & extra Pike for his army options. I took the Spanish & elected for Light Horse...... over Pistols/Dragoons. Who would prove to make the correct choices? Jack placed both his Artillery elements in the redoubt. His 4 elements of Pistols would arrive anytime after the 3rd round provided he made his roll, a 5 or 6. He initially didn't place a garrison in the Town, he moved in a Shot element after a few rounds.
Double sized Armies made up of the following:
31b Dutch, 1590-1660.
4x4Pi, 2x3Dr, 4x4Pk, 10x4Sh, 2x4Pk, 2xArt.
33 Spanish 1609-1660.
2x4Pi, 2x4Pi , 2x2LH , 8x4Pk, 8x4Sh, 2xArt.
Where did it go wrong then? In hindsight, I should of charged the Pistols into the Dutch Pike/Shot on my right flank. Plus it was a shame that I couldn't make the Spanish advantage on the left flank count. So close though!
It did feel that there was a 'lack' of Horsepower on the field. Strange, as we did field the correct amount from the Army lists. Dragoons, again, proved to be very useful. Mind you, I didn't even get close to the redoubt!
The Spanish would be the attackers, with the sole objective of taking the Dutch Town. If any Spanish troops took the town, then Victory would be claimed. Also being Double DBA, it was the first to destroy eight enemy elements. The Dutch would be the defenders, however the Pistol Armed Cavalry would be held off table until a 'successful' reinforcement roll was made. The Dutch would have a 'mean' looking redoubt to defend the town.
Jack took the Dutch & went for Dragoons & extra Pike for his army options. I took the Spanish & elected for Light Horse...... over Pistols/Dragoons. Who would prove to make the correct choices? Jack placed both his Artillery elements in the redoubt. His 4 elements of Pistols would arrive anytime after the 3rd round provided he made his roll, a 5 or 6. He initially didn't place a garrison in the Town, he moved in a Shot element after a few rounds.
Double sized Armies made up of the following:
31b Dutch, 1590-1660.
4x4Pi, 2x3Dr, 4x4Pk, 10x4Sh, 2x4Pk, 2xArt.
33 Spanish 1609-1660.
2x4Pi, 2x4Pi , 2x2LH , 8x4Pk, 8x4Sh, 2xArt.
The Battlefield & initial movements
Dutch line up, Jack put his Dragoons on the flank. Pike/Shot combo's were formed either side of the Town.

Spanish line up, Arty in centre with Pike/Shot formations either side. Pistols & Light Horse on either flank.


A powerful Dutch formation of Pike & Shot.
Spanish Light Horse capture a field! Pistols lumbering along behind.

On the other flank, the Spanish Light Horse go on a Deep Strike mission. Jacks left his camp undefended....... Ah sweet revenge!
On the other flank, the Spanish Light Horse go on a Deep Strike mission. Jacks left his camp undefended....... Ah sweet revenge!
Never mind, the other Spanish Light Horse captures the Dutch Camp.
The area between the Town & the Wood is a bottleneck. I can't deploy all the Pike & Shot.

Though the Spanish Pistols have a clear field on the right.
Though the Spanish Pistols have a clear field on the right.
Critical point in the Battle. Plumes of dust can be seen approaching on the road ahead (Jack has made his reinforcement roll....). Torn between attacking the Dutch Pike/Shot or facing the oncoming threat, I elect to meet the oncoming Dutch Horse..... Would it be the correct one?

Clash of Pike & Shot. The combats would last many rounds.
Clash of Pike & Shot. The combats would last many rounds.
A moment of re-adjustment & then it's back in again.

The battle on the left flank results in lots of recoils.
The battle on the left flank results in lots of recoils.
Again, I'm left frustrated as I can't deploy all the Spanish.
To help out on the left, I turn the Spanish guns on the Dutch Shot. But the initial bombardment is very poor.
The Spanish Line swings round on the far left flank.

Oh careful.... I re-deploy some Spanish Pike, but the recoils are coming closer!
The prize is in sight, but it's slow going!

Finally! The Spanish guns take out their target.
Jacks had enough & the Town garrison attacks the camp & 'boots out' the sneaky Spaniards!
In desperation I throw in the Light Horse... Alas they fall in a heroic charge.

It's Jacks turn & I curse my luck. So near to victory!
It's Jacks turn & I curse my luck. So near to victory!
The Dutch Dragoons perform their own 'Deep Strike', another Spanish Shot goes down under heavy pressure.
Ah well! Another drubbing, however Victory was very close indeed. A mighty scrap, the Pike/Shot combats seemed to on forever though. Probably a good case for a Morale system.Where did it go wrong then? In hindsight, I should of charged the Pistols into the Dutch Pike/Shot on my right flank. Plus it was a shame that I couldn't make the Spanish advantage on the left flank count. So close though!
It did feel that there was a 'lack' of Horsepower on the field. Strange, as we did field the correct amount from the Army lists. Dragoons, again, proved to be very useful. Mind you, I didn't even get close to the redoubt!
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